Monday, November 29, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Dia de Accion de Dar Gracias
So far this year has given me a ton to be thankful for.
Friends. I've made a lot of friends since the last Thanksgiving, a lot of which I consider close friends now, which is awesome. I feel like the group I usually hang out with in college will be friends for a long time, they're all great people. Also, Kim's group of friends (aka the only ones reading this) are awesome too, letting my awkward tall self into their group and letting me come along with them when they hang out, makes me happy.
Family. Pretty self explanatory. I mean I like to think I'm a lil more independent now that I'm in school, but still, my mom and dad do a ton for me, and have really shaped the way I think of things in a positive light.
Hardcore. The warehouse is practically like a second home haha, I'm never not there. I've made a ton of good friends over the years through this music, met a bunch of other interesting people, travelled to weird/cool places, and just had a great time. Not to mention straight edge, I'm happy and thankful to remain true to myself and what I believe in.
Girlfriend. Basically 6 months of being happy. Adventures, exploring Richmond, weird inside jokes, nonstop's been awesome haha, couldn't be happier. Thankful for having someone I can talk to all the time and tell anything and call both my girlfriend and one of my best friends.
Waffle House. Affordable food. Horrible coffee. Meghan. Me and my friends have spent so much time there, figured a shout out was warranted.
Friends. I've made a lot of friends since the last Thanksgiving, a lot of which I consider close friends now, which is awesome. I feel like the group I usually hang out with in college will be friends for a long time, they're all great people. Also, Kim's group of friends (aka the only ones reading this) are awesome too, letting my awkward tall self into their group and letting me come along with them when they hang out, makes me happy.
Family. Pretty self explanatory. I mean I like to think I'm a lil more independent now that I'm in school, but still, my mom and dad do a ton for me, and have really shaped the way I think of things in a positive light.
Hardcore. The warehouse is practically like a second home haha, I'm never not there. I've made a ton of good friends over the years through this music, met a bunch of other interesting people, travelled to weird/cool places, and just had a great time. Not to mention straight edge, I'm happy and thankful to remain true to myself and what I believe in.
Girlfriend. Basically 6 months of being happy. Adventures, exploring Richmond, weird inside jokes, nonstop's been awesome haha, couldn't be happier. Thankful for having someone I can talk to all the time and tell anything and call both my girlfriend and one of my best friends.
Waffle House. Affordable food. Horrible coffee. Meghan. Me and my friends have spent so much time there, figured a shout out was warranted.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Friday: Was so pumped to get to go to dinner/Harry Pothead and the Sorcerer's Stoned aka the new Harry Potter movie with Kim's family! Dinner was awesome, basically consisting of her dad being hilariously loud and New Jerseyish, her brother calling me Italian and playing off Italian stereotypes, and our waitress yelling at people for sniffing beers. Good times. Afterwards, Harry Potter was SWEET, definitely everything I expected and more. After that, me and Kim met up with some buddies for Waffle Casa, then sleep.
Saturday: Just goofed off and made pasta for the vegan dinner all day, then met up with Kim. She and I had some time to kill, so we went to Belle Isle for awhile (rhyme! i'm a poet and didn't know it), which was fun as always. Definitely kinda a creepy place after dark, but it was all good, and I just liked getting some one on one time and walking around with ze girlfriend outside. After that, we went to Ryan's for the Vegan Friendsgiving Dinner, which was way cool. About 30 - 40 people showed up, the food was good (Kim tried everything, really impressed me), the conversation was good, and the JT stories were the best. After that, we went to Liz's, then Waffle House again hahaha, after packing 7 people in a car. Duh. Clown Car/Mexican Car Style.
Sunday: Picked up some roses for Kim, had lunch with the familia, gave Kim the flowers (I think she liked em!), then went to Kim's 2nd birthday dinner with a ton of her friends. It was really fun, her friends are all cool, and it's always nice to meet some new people. After dinner, we goofed around in the parking lot for awhile/Trust Fell/watched Kim proceed to lose her voice even more. After that we 711'd, then me Kim and Liz went back to Liz's house, where we watched some Celebrity Look Alike show...which turned out to be one of the funniest things ever. One of those times where everyone was tired, so everything was 10x funnier.
Definitely a really good weekend, one of the best in awhile. I feel so much happier when Kim's her, kinda like everything's "right", kinda corny but hey, it's the truth haha. She's never not making me laugh or feel happy...and I get to see her for a whole other week! I'm a lucky, lucky person, and life is good.
Saturday: Just goofed off and made pasta for the vegan dinner all day, then met up with Kim. She and I had some time to kill, so we went to Belle Isle for awhile (rhyme! i'm a poet and didn't know it), which was fun as always. Definitely kinda a creepy place after dark, but it was all good, and I just liked getting some one on one time and walking around with ze girlfriend outside. After that, we went to Ryan's for the Vegan Friendsgiving Dinner, which was way cool. About 30 - 40 people showed up, the food was good (Kim tried everything, really impressed me), the conversation was good, and the JT stories were the best. After that, we went to Liz's, then Waffle House again hahaha, after packing 7 people in a car. Duh. Clown Car/Mexican Car Style.
Sunday: Picked up some roses for Kim, had lunch with the familia, gave Kim the flowers (I think she liked em!), then went to Kim's 2nd birthday dinner with a ton of her friends. It was really fun, her friends are all cool, and it's always nice to meet some new people. After dinner, we goofed around in the parking lot for awhile/Trust Fell/watched Kim proceed to lose her voice even more. After that we 711'd, then me Kim and Liz went back to Liz's house, where we watched some Celebrity Look Alike show...which turned out to be one of the funniest things ever. One of those times where everyone was tired, so everything was 10x funnier.
Definitely a really good weekend, one of the best in awhile. I feel so much happier when Kim's her, kinda like everything's "right", kinda corny but hey, it's the truth haha. She's never not making me laugh or feel happy...and I get to see her for a whole other week! I'm a lucky, lucky person, and life is good.
Friday, November 12, 2010

Well today was certainly interesting. Woke up (actually feeling similar to P. Diddy I think, I was all like invigorated and peppy, dunno why haha), went to UNIV112, boring, then met up with my buddies for lunch. We chilled and talked for awhile, then went to Ryan's apartment for a few hours and met up with probably like 5 more of our friends, just hanging out, talking playing music, riding bikes, the usual. Afterwards me, Stewart, and Ellie got in my car, and caravaned with Ace, Ryan, Jordan, Josh, Bronwyn, Rademacher, Ian, and Michael down to VA Beach to see Deadbeat and Break Away play. The trip was certainly amusing haha, between blasting music, having deep chats, and having both passengers nude (yes, completely naked) in my car at one point (it was a driving game...I swear.); definitely an interesting drive.
After being lost for awhile, we finally found the venue, "Kingpins". It turned out to be an (abandoned?) old flea market, and the show was put on in some back room, which was legitimately like 15x15', not really conducive to a hardcore show. Gotta say, the VB scene is DRASTICALLY different from Richmond. In Richmond, yeah it's dangerous at times, people get hurt, there are some rough people involved, but in VB at times I legitimately felt unnerved and uncomfortable. The show was basically non stop crowd killing, and with a lot of talk of fights and jumping people...definitely different. I was kinda dumb too, and I think took some hits for it later, because for Deadbeat at one point I thought people would get moving for a certain part of a song, and I kicked back into the crowd then stomped across the room and threw myself into the people there haha, it was fun.....but turns out I was legitimately the ONLY one moving. People noticed me, which isn't necessarily good, and I think I got hit later for it. Whatever, they couldn't pull that in Richmond, and I won't be heading back there anytime soon haha. I'm happy I could support my friends though.
After the show, we got Taco Bell, swung by ODU to pick up Tres, then headed back, playing the naked driving game Padiddle again hahaha (I'm happy the driver, myself, was exempt). Today was fun, lil crazy, but still fun.
Also, T-Minus 6 days until I see her and see Harry Potter! O LEZZZ DO IT.
After being lost for awhile, we finally found the venue, "Kingpins". It turned out to be an (abandoned?) old flea market, and the show was put on in some back room, which was legitimately like 15x15', not really conducive to a hardcore show. Gotta say, the VB scene is DRASTICALLY different from Richmond. In Richmond, yeah it's dangerous at times, people get hurt, there are some rough people involved, but in VB at times I legitimately felt unnerved and uncomfortable. The show was basically non stop crowd killing, and with a lot of talk of fights and jumping people...definitely different. I was kinda dumb too, and I think took some hits for it later, because for Deadbeat at one point I thought people would get moving for a certain part of a song, and I kicked back into the crowd then stomped across the room and threw myself into the people there haha, it was fun.....but turns out I was legitimately the ONLY one moving. People noticed me, which isn't necessarily good, and I think I got hit later for it. Whatever, they couldn't pull that in Richmond, and I won't be heading back there anytime soon haha. I'm happy I could support my friends though.
After the show, we got Taco Bell, swung by ODU to pick up Tres, then headed back, playing the naked driving game Padiddle again hahaha (I'm happy the driver, myself, was exempt). Today was fun, lil crazy, but still fun.
Also, T-Minus 6 days until I see her and see Harry Potter! O LEZZZ DO IT.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Thanks: for putting up with my random bad moods and other nonsense. For putting up with me when I'm being a jackass. For being patient with me when I'm not exactly perceptive of some things or when it takes me awhile to understand certain things. For dealing with my deafness. For cheering me up when I'm bummed out, and making me happy in general. For adding to the laugh lines that I'll no doubt have every day I talk to you. For finding time for me even when you've got so much going on. For hours upon hours of talking. For letting me get to know you.
And for, as you put it, "not being ugly ;D" haha.

Friday, November 5, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
Wolfpack Weekend 2010
This weekend was awesome/bittersweet. I'll cover the awesome stuff first.
Friday: Pretty chill day, just hung out with friends, went to Belle Isle and goofed around in the abandoned buildings there, hopped fences into the train yard, all that kinda stuff. Afterwards we visited Vinyl Conflict in Oregon Hill (best record store), then headed to Stewart's. A big group of us went from there to mi casa, where we met up with some friends who were visiting from college, and just talked and whatched movies and hung out.
Saturday: Definitely busy, but in a really good and fun way. I just chilled at home till about 6pm, then rolled downtown to Alley Katz, where me and a bunch of friends checked out the "Hell-oween" metalcore festival. Honestly, the music was terrible, and there were a bunch of fights, but it was amusing at least, and being with friends is good. Not to mention I didn't pay muahaha, it's nice knowing people who'll get you in sometimes. Afterwards, me and a bunch of people went over to Ryan's apartment, and just jammed out and chilled. Eventually it ended up being me, Ryan, Michael, Bronwyn, and Stewart. Ryan convinced all of the guys to let him buzz our hair...dunno if that was a good idea or not but I personally don't think it looks too bad, definitely a more mature look buuut yeah. We then got in the car (at about 1am) and headed on an adventure to...acquire..some pumpkins. After that, which was hilarious/fun, we all carved the pumpkins and just watched crappy horror movies till we fell asleep.
Sunday: Chill day. Went to Hollywood Cemetary with Ryan, Stewart, and Ellie, which was nice, especially on Halloween day. After that and lunch, we ended up down at The Warehouse, where we were there to see the Halloween Hardcore Cover Show, which was awesome.
Overall, it was a really fun weekend. Gotta love weekends full of doing fun, chill things with good friends, it's weekends like this that I really like being in Richmond. However, when I'm doing said fun things, it really sucks being seperated from one of the people that I care about the most. Not being able to share fun experiences with Kim is definitely a bummer...I mean we text each other about what we're doing and stuff but it's not nearly the same. I just feel more comfortable and happy when she's there overall, like things are right, y'know? Long distance can suck sometimes, especially when the other person isn't feeling happy...sigh. Hopefully I'll be able to see her soon, if not, it's another 3 weeks, which makes me sad, but it'll be okay; it's worth it of course.
Friday: Pretty chill day, just hung out with friends, went to Belle Isle and goofed around in the abandoned buildings there, hopped fences into the train yard, all that kinda stuff. Afterwards we visited Vinyl Conflict in Oregon Hill (best record store), then headed to Stewart's. A big group of us went from there to mi casa, where we met up with some friends who were visiting from college, and just talked and whatched movies and hung out.
Saturday: Definitely busy, but in a really good and fun way. I just chilled at home till about 6pm, then rolled downtown to Alley Katz, where me and a bunch of friends checked out the "Hell-oween" metalcore festival. Honestly, the music was terrible, and there were a bunch of fights, but it was amusing at least, and being with friends is good. Not to mention I didn't pay muahaha, it's nice knowing people who'll get you in sometimes. Afterwards, me and a bunch of people went over to Ryan's apartment, and just jammed out and chilled. Eventually it ended up being me, Ryan, Michael, Bronwyn, and Stewart. Ryan convinced all of the guys to let him buzz our hair...dunno if that was a good idea or not but I personally don't think it looks too bad, definitely a more mature look buuut yeah. We then got in the car (at about 1am) and headed on an adventure to...acquire..some pumpkins. After that, which was hilarious/fun, we all carved the pumpkins and just watched crappy horror movies till we fell asleep.
Sunday: Chill day. Went to Hollywood Cemetary with Ryan, Stewart, and Ellie, which was nice, especially on Halloween day. After that and lunch, we ended up down at The Warehouse, where we were there to see the Halloween Hardcore Cover Show, which was awesome.
Overall, it was a really fun weekend. Gotta love weekends full of doing fun, chill things with good friends, it's weekends like this that I really like being in Richmond. However, when I'm doing said fun things, it really sucks being seperated from one of the people that I care about the most. Not being able to share fun experiences with Kim is definitely a bummer...I mean we text each other about what we're doing and stuff but it's not nearly the same. I just feel more comfortable and happy when she's there overall, like things are right, y'know? Long distance can suck sometimes, especially when the other person isn't feeling happy...sigh. Hopefully I'll be able to see her soon, if not, it's another 3 weeks, which makes me sad, but it'll be okay; it's worth it of course.
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