To me, the slow click clack of a roller coaster climbing a hill before the initial drop is comparable to the funeral march supposedly played at executions as the condemned is led to his final moments. I'll admit it myself, it's a stupid fear, you're completely safe strapped into the cart. But still, never been a huge fan of things I have no control over I suppose, and it doesn't help that this "thing" in particular hurtles you along twisting, small metal tracks at upwards of 60mph. Crazy stuff.

Today, I conquered that fear. Well, no. Conquering is a little too strong, but I wouldn't liken them to executions anymore maybe just like, I dunno, visits to the doctor's office, but with fun added; still kinda scary but there's some good mixed in there, ya know? I spent pretty much all day at Busch Gardens with my girlfriend, and she managed to get me to agree to ride EVERY SINGLE roller coaster in the park. Even the Griffon, which is like a 100+ foot blue metal behemoth of a coaster with a straight 90 degree drop. Actually this ended up being awesome, honestly the only one I wasn't a huge fan of was maybe Apollo's Chariot (I don't like nonstop crazy drops haha), but the black dude next to me telling me to raise my hands up and "not be gay" helped a lot, not to mention Kim screaming at me to do it. Yes, screaming. Good times :)
Afterwards, we made the obligatory Waffle House trip, saw our partner in crime/favorite waitress Meagan there, had some good conversation, good waffles, and freakin' amazing orange juice. Overall a really good day made even better with some really good company
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