Outrageous fun. Me and about 18 - 20 other friends all rolled down to Virginia Beach today, both to just chill at the actual beach and support POA at a show with Man Overboard, Averman, and Tiger's Jaw. We took 4 cars down, and of course I was a driver, and as should be expected, I got myself lost on the way to VB, but managed to catch up with everyone else quickly, so it was no biggie. Not too bad of a drive honestly, even with my friend Alex peeing in a gatorade bottle and throwing it at a truck. Once we got there we shotgunned some Arnold Palmer, played with knives, and two stepped in traffic, typical stuff, then headed down to the beach. Really nice day to be at the beach, plenty of waves, sunny, not too hot. We all swam and rode the party waves and played football and stuff, good times.
Afterwards we pool hopped to clean off, then went down to some pizza place. Really good food, maybe just cause I was starving but still. Next the whole group headed down to Skate High for the show (we barely made it, speeding through VA Beach kinda sucks but we had to make it on time). Cool venue, it's basically a pretty big indoor skatepark with a stage set up. After we helped POA set up, they played; really really good set, and everyone in our group threw down, pretty awesome. The other bands that came after were awesome too, Tiger's Jaw in particular was great.
After the show, everyone helped pack up, we hit up Mickey D's, and headed home. The ride home sucked, 50 minutes at least in stop and go traffic, awful. That and I could barely keep my eyes open, big thanks to Taylor Swift and Akron Family and Arnold Palmer for keeping me up.
Overall one of the best days I've had this summer. Can't go wrong with a day of beaching it up with friends, punk, and general craziness. Awesome.
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