Thursday, September 30, 2010
Over the Years

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Yo Sucka You Gotta Big Mouth!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Saturday, September 25, 2010
Richmond's Finest

Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Houses and Billboards
This song makes me happy. Kinda embodies how I feel tonight for some reason...just the kinda song you wanna hear when you're out sitting on your porch thinking y'know? Especially the slow part at the end. I love Saves the Day. But anyways, this weekend was good. I've been sick with pneumonia, and had a pretty rough week because of that, and wasn't really able to do much this weekend, kinda just sat around at home and played games, the only thing I did honestly was meet up with some hardcore buddies for dinner today at this awesome burritto place, which was cool. However, it was a certain someone that really helped this weekend...it's just pretty awesome having someone who really cares, even from 2 hours away. She could be doing anything else but she's always taken the time to talk to me, and that's amazing to me, I consider myself lucky everyday, considering I'm not always the easiest person to get along with I don't think. Just a good mood :)
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Goldfish (the snack, the fish itself is sorta a bland kinda animal). Chinese food. Burrito Panfilo. Driving on the highway at night playing loud music by yourself. Droning guitar lines. The sound of feedback and tension before a band plays. Stagedives. Being toppled over by waves. Ludens cough drops. Asphalt mirages. Crunchy leaves. Crackling flame. Speaking one's opinion. Cigar smoke. Long phone conversations. Feeling cared about. Catching someone you care about looking at you when you're sleeping. Sleeping. Worn out shoes. Vinyl. Eating vegan but not being vegan. Looking up at the stars every once and awhile (i know, cliched). Good hugs. Sarcasm. A sense of history in a place.
Things I Don't Enjoy
Being ditched. Bad internet connections. Too much chocolate in chocolate milk (should be just a touch, no homo). Okra. Affliction brand clothing. Faux hawks. Pretenciousness. When you feel like you've still gotta pee a little but you can't make it happen. Too large pants. Loud chewing. Wet chewing...ugh. Grudges over inconsequential things. Losing touch. Sloppy drunks/people who can't have fun without being out of it. Tough guy posturing. Looking down at others legitimate beliefs. People wearing tank tops that shouldn't due to moobage. When you get things caught in your teeth. Brain freeze. Throat freeze, even worse. Missing a step you've prepared for on a staircase. Sinking feelings in your stomach. Worrying.
Things I Would Like to Do
Travel everywhere. Publish a book. Have an album pressed, even if it's self produced. Actually start playing shows. Stop worrying about stupid things. Transfer. Stop getting down on myself sometimes. STOP BEING SICK. Learn how to play piano. Become a better guitar player. Gain some muscle. Ride on a ride on lawnmower. Read more often. Reach out more often. Be more understanding about things/a better friend/less aggravating/less judgemental.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Sunday, September 5, 2010
By the Wayside
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Overall a mixed weekend emotion wise I guess. On one hand the show rocked, that was really fun, and going to Belle Isle with a bunch of people was fun too the other day, gotta say, not too many places that you get to see Wiccan/Satanic meeting sites, abandoned buildings, historical areas, and a river all in one. Other non happy stuff is covered above.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
At the same time though, it's been pretty tough. I miss her a lot...I know I'm only 2 hours away and it's only been a little over a week but still, it sucks, because she's both my girlfriend and my best female friend, so it's been rough. I just miss all the little things, going on adventures downtown...spinning around on the tire swings till we got sick...going to the art museum and making fun of the paintings and picking up weird metal stick things...doing my stupid accents with her...slinkies...eating whole donuts...laughing all the time at everything haha...this summer was awesome, and she had a lot to do with that. I hate the fact that I can't be there when she's unhappy, and just to be able to tell her whatever and experience things with her. Sigh. But. Hopefully I'll get to visit soon, and eventually maybe I'll end up at JMU, I've gotta step my academic game up for that though, which I'm working hard to do.