Yesterday was one of those days that really make you appreciate your friends. I was kinda bummed out in the morning because Kim had left for JMU, and sorta moping around. However, I met up for dinner with like eight of my really good friends, and spent the night at the Warehouse going crazy with a big group of friends also, and all of that definitely cheered me up. My group of friends down at VCU and downtown is definitely composed of some interesting characters with extremely diverse opinions and view points on things, but most of us have a unifying interest in playing music of some or supporting the Richmond hardcore scene.
It's kinda funny, me and Kim were talking about this earlier..in high school, I had a bunch of friends in a few different groups of people. Yeah, of course I had best friends, but not like a core group of a bunch of people that I could consider really good friends and hang out with constantly. Now that I'm in college, I finally have that, and gotta say, it's pretty awesome.