In some weird mood tonight, not quite sure why. Today was a pretty good day, if not maybe a little boring. Had class from 12 - 4 pretty much, then psychology at 7 till 10 basically, which was sorta draining, maybe all the work piled on in one day is bringing me down a little? Not sure. But just feeling kinda out of it, I dunno, maybe a little down on myself or something, nothing major though haha. Lately I've been worrying about things too much, just school and whatnot and little dumb things, making me sorta feel uptight and stressed I suppose. Also been feeling like my friends/family/people in general don't care about my feelings on things sometimes or my opinions, kinda like I talk or try to get out my own opinion/view of things but if they see it differently they just ignore what I'm saying, stuff like that. Probably just being overreactive, I'm not really upset about it haha just thinking...shit, could just be the weather, it's gross out. I dunno. Just been kinda hard on myself recently, oh well.
Other than this random little funk though life is good! My grades are looking up even though I'm sorta stressed over school, been hitting the gym three or so times a week and feeling good about it, get to see my girlfriend this weekend if the weather permits....good times.
Just gotta keep my chin up haha. Sorry if anyone's construing this as an emoish post, not meant to be.
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