Thursday, December 30, 2010
-Finished out senior year, and graduated high school. Gotta say, those were an awesome four years, made some long lasting friends and good memories.
-Turned 19! Almost two decades of my nonsensical ridiculous self roaming the planet.
-Crazy summer adventures. Pipeline. Downtown. Hardcore beach style. Late nights. Waffle house...soooo much waffle house haha. New friends. Way too much to remember really, but it was awesome, honestly one of the best summers in recent memory.
-Started college! VCU Rams 2k14 baby oh lezz do it. College has been really fun so far, I've made a bunch of new friends and become way better friends with people from high school, and the work and stuff is good too.
-Went to easily 50+ shows and a festival (so stoked for United Blood 2011), saw hundreds of great bands, and made a ton of new friends down at The Warehouse. It really is awesome having that consistant group of thirty to forty friends down there who will have my back and who I get to go crazy with.
-Learned a lot about myself. I was definitely a more confident person this year, and feel like I've really become who I will be for the rest of my life more or less...I mean people change, but as for my basic personality, I feel like that's set pretty much.
-Started, after a long convoluted road, finally dating my girlfriend, who is also my best female friend. Honestly not many people make me as happy as she does, and it's an awesome feeling to have someone like her who I can talk to about pretty much anything...I'm a lucky guy. We've spent an amazing six months together, and hopefully she won't get too sick of my nonsense in the new year!
This year really has been excellent. Everything has gone well for me, and though there's been a fair amount of change, it has been for the better mostly. Hopefully 2011 will treat me as kindly, and HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Oh the times they are a' changin'
Let's do it.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Christmas Eve is when I personally really "feel" the Christmas spirit the most if that makes sense. For example today, I went out, shopped a bit with my mom (craziness, eff walmart), got Starbucks, came home, played xbox and relaxed, then our family friends Bruce and his daughter Kelly came over, along with a couple of my friends for dinner and just catching up and chilling.
After that, it was time for church at 10:30. Christmas mass is by far my favorite service my church offers. The whole church is decked out in wreathes and candles and poinsettas and other festive stuff, we sing Christmas carols, hear the story of Jesus being born, all that good stuff. Plus my friend Gray came with us. He's not Catholic, so he was a little out of his element haha, but it made for an even better time. After that, we came home, and I went over to Kim's house to pick up my Christmas present from her and to get to see her for a little bit on Christmas Eve. She got me two awesome shirts from two of my favorite hardcore bands, they're definitely gonna be worn/moshed with heavily.
Speaking of her, it really is a great feeling to have someone who cares about you during this season. Couldn't ask for a better girl to be with, just sayin'! Lucky hombre right hurr.
Merry Christmas to the like...3 or 4 people who read this!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Snow Style
Since I'm clearly a VCU hipster, I'm going to write about the start of my break in dissociated words and phrases, artsy fartsy style. If you weren't there, this won't make too much sense.
Friday: Hugging/tackling Kim into snow. Short pump. Friends. Vans. El Cap. Carne de Perro. Snowball fight. Kathryn scaring me to death. Lights. Frozen toes. Blockbuster...twice. Starbucks. Jenga aka Jumbling Blocks. Elizabeth bumping the table. Laughing, a lot. Teeth. Couch/stage dives. Elizabeth farting on me, probably sharting. Napping. Hugs goodbye. Sleep.
Saturday: Awake at noon. Xbox. Tree. Stringing lights. Carpenter's Christmas. Ornaments. Writing music. Gray hangs. Hunan Beef for dinner. Xbox. Kim. Cookie bars. Downtown. Lights and deer and glass and marble. Pictures. Capital. Big tree. Cold. "Sad and happy". House hunting. Good talks. TBell. "Guardian". Kiss goodbye. 5am :)
Definitely an awesome start to the break. I'm seriously so happy that everyone is home, and that I'll have 3 whole weeks with my friends and Kim and her friends, and with no school worries. Everything feels right. Good times my friends, good times.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
This should be added to my pet peeves post.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Pet Peeves.

Monday, December 13, 2010
Major Change pt. 2?
Kim's gotten me all interested in psychology. I've always though criminal psychology or just psychology in general would be an interesting job, and really rewarding too if you're able to help someone. Not to mention it's a practical field, people will always need help. I really like listening to people also, and (too often) I like trying to give advice. That and it seems a lot of (sometimes sorta random, or at least unexpected) people generally tend to confide in me for whatever reason, maybe that'd work in my favor? Who knows. Seems like it'd be fun though, might take some psych classes at least.
I wish I could work in the music industry too or run a recording studio.
Too many choices haha.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

* * * * * * *
* * * * * * * *
^Snowflakes falling. I. Love. Winter. It seriously made me so happy when I was at JMU when it started to snow. It wasn't a lot, but still, just seeing that puts me in a good mood. I hope it snows a lot in Richmond! I have plans with a bunch of my friends to grab sleds and go riding down the Shockoe Slip hill and down Broad Street when it snows, before the plows come. That'll be awesome, it better snow!! I really like being out in the cold too, it feels invigorating, especially when I come back to my house in the west end and get in front of the fire...awesome.
Also, just the whole Christmas season makes me so happy. It's not even getting presents really, it's everything else. The music, the food, being with family and friends, the general happy feeling, it's all good. And baby Jesus. Nuff said.
On top of all this, it's seriously awesome to have someone to share it with :)
Good mood thinking ahead to break.
Monday, December 6, 2010
On a more negative note, bleh weird mood all day. I think it's just because I'm tired, and I think I'm getting a cold or something. Just kinda had a bleak outlook on things today, felt weird and negative about myself, that no one gives a shit about what I do, and just didn't feel good in general haha. Sigh. Whatever. Seeing and hanging out with friends helped some I suppose, I tried to put on a happy face them and stuff and we had a good time. Oh well. Just one of those days.
^Kinda how I felt. I know the lyrics don't apply, and not trying to sound emo, but I just felt melancholy and useless all day. I'll stop bitching about it, I don't like complaining it generally makes me feel worse.
And finally on a more random and happy note, I love the winter. I don't have a jacket or warm enough clothes (gotta go shoppin!) and it's freezing, but hey I like it haha, just makes me feel better being outside, so excited for Winter Break, we better get some snow!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Looking Forward

Howabout the future though? I know that I'm only 19 years old, but doesn't hurt to think ahead you know? That's what me and Kim were talking about primarily. Some goals.
-Finish college first off, then potentially grad school? Dunno where.
-TRAVEL!!! And before I work. I'll have the rest of my life to work and live in the United States. There's no way I want to die an old man without getting out and seeing the world...I definitely want to travel for at least a few months before I start completely focusing on a career.
-Marriage. Pretty self explanatory. Besides being obviously the woman that you love, I feel like your wife is your best friend when you get married (well, if you married the right person haha I suppose), I mean you know everything and do everything with that person, and it'd be awesome to have someone like that and get to travel the world and stuff with them.
-Kids. I never understand people who are against having children. I's like a whole independent little person that you help create, and you get to watch them grow and be an influence on them, pretty amazing.
-Career. I honestly have no idea where I want to end up with this. I love writing...I love music...I love global cultures/history...I love to read...just a lot to think about in terms of what I want to do for the rest of my life. I just want to be sure to have a job that is flexible and fun, and with which I can support my wife and children so they can be happy and be able to do whatever and not have to worry.
-Music. I'd like to create music up until the day I die. Good stuff right there.
-Religion. I have kind of unorthodox views on some things, but I of course still consider myself a Christian. I'd like to explore the religion a little more and become a stronger Christian, but while retaining my own views on things. I dunno. It's complicated.
If I can manage all that, and probably other stuff I forgot, I'll have lived a fulfilling life. It's a bit overwhelming when you consider that some of the decisions you make now, while in college, can really affect the course of your entire life. Hopefully I don't screw too much of it up! Haha.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Also (and yes it's real, don't tell my mom...seriously. I'll tell her but not yet, and she should find out from me haha.):
If you couldn't tell, says 804, looks better in person plus it's bruised in that picture, not to mention it's a homemade tattoo, so it's not expected to be perfect haha. Stick and poke done with needles and india ink done by Ryan Burns haha, good times.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Dia de Accion de Dar Gracias
Friends. I've made a lot of friends since the last Thanksgiving, a lot of which I consider close friends now, which is awesome. I feel like the group I usually hang out with in college will be friends for a long time, they're all great people. Also, Kim's group of friends (aka the only ones reading this) are awesome too, letting my awkward tall self into their group and letting me come along with them when they hang out, makes me happy.
Family. Pretty self explanatory. I mean I like to think I'm a lil more independent now that I'm in school, but still, my mom and dad do a ton for me, and have really shaped the way I think of things in a positive light.
Hardcore. The warehouse is practically like a second home haha, I'm never not there. I've made a ton of good friends over the years through this music, met a bunch of other interesting people, travelled to weird/cool places, and just had a great time. Not to mention straight edge, I'm happy and thankful to remain true to myself and what I believe in.
Girlfriend. Basically 6 months of being happy. Adventures, exploring Richmond, weird inside jokes, nonstop's been awesome haha, couldn't be happier. Thankful for having someone I can talk to all the time and tell anything and call both my girlfriend and one of my best friends.
Waffle House. Affordable food. Horrible coffee. Meghan. Me and my friends have spent so much time there, figured a shout out was warranted.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Saturday: Just goofed off and made pasta for the vegan dinner all day, then met up with Kim. She and I had some time to kill, so we went to Belle Isle for awhile (rhyme! i'm a poet and didn't know it), which was fun as always. Definitely kinda a creepy place after dark, but it was all good, and I just liked getting some one on one time and walking around with ze girlfriend outside. After that, we went to Ryan's for the Vegan Friendsgiving Dinner, which was way cool. About 30 - 40 people showed up, the food was good (Kim tried everything, really impressed me), the conversation was good, and the JT stories were the best. After that, we went to Liz's, then Waffle House again hahaha, after packing 7 people in a car. Duh. Clown Car/Mexican Car Style.
Sunday: Picked up some roses for Kim, had lunch with the familia, gave Kim the flowers (I think she liked em!), then went to Kim's 2nd birthday dinner with a ton of her friends. It was really fun, her friends are all cool, and it's always nice to meet some new people. After dinner, we goofed around in the parking lot for awhile/Trust Fell/watched Kim proceed to lose her voice even more. After that we 711'd, then me Kim and Liz went back to Liz's house, where we watched some Celebrity Look Alike show...which turned out to be one of the funniest things ever. One of those times where everyone was tired, so everything was 10x funnier.
Definitely a really good weekend, one of the best in awhile. I feel so much happier when Kim's her, kinda like everything's "right", kinda corny but hey, it's the truth haha. She's never not making me laugh or feel happy...and I get to see her for a whole other week! I'm a lucky, lucky person, and life is good.
Friday, November 12, 2010

After being lost for awhile, we finally found the venue, "Kingpins". It turned out to be an (abandoned?) old flea market, and the show was put on in some back room, which was legitimately like 15x15', not really conducive to a hardcore show. Gotta say, the VB scene is DRASTICALLY different from Richmond. In Richmond, yeah it's dangerous at times, people get hurt, there are some rough people involved, but in VB at times I legitimately felt unnerved and uncomfortable. The show was basically non stop crowd killing, and with a lot of talk of fights and jumping people...definitely different. I was kinda dumb too, and I think took some hits for it later, because for Deadbeat at one point I thought people would get moving for a certain part of a song, and I kicked back into the crowd then stomped across the room and threw myself into the people there haha, it was fun.....but turns out I was legitimately the ONLY one moving. People noticed me, which isn't necessarily good, and I think I got hit later for it. Whatever, they couldn't pull that in Richmond, and I won't be heading back there anytime soon haha. I'm happy I could support my friends though.
After the show, we got Taco Bell, swung by ODU to pick up Tres, then headed back, playing the naked driving game Padiddle again hahaha (I'm happy the driver, myself, was exempt). Today was fun, lil crazy, but still fun.
Also, T-Minus 6 days until I see her and see Harry Potter! O LEZZZ DO IT.
Monday, November 8, 2010

Friday, November 5, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
Wolfpack Weekend 2010
Friday: Pretty chill day, just hung out with friends, went to Belle Isle and goofed around in the abandoned buildings there, hopped fences into the train yard, all that kinda stuff. Afterwards we visited Vinyl Conflict in Oregon Hill (best record store), then headed to Stewart's. A big group of us went from there to mi casa, where we met up with some friends who were visiting from college, and just talked and whatched movies and hung out.
Saturday: Definitely busy, but in a really good and fun way. I just chilled at home till about 6pm, then rolled downtown to Alley Katz, where me and a bunch of friends checked out the "Hell-oween" metalcore festival. Honestly, the music was terrible, and there were a bunch of fights, but it was amusing at least, and being with friends is good. Not to mention I didn't pay muahaha, it's nice knowing people who'll get you in sometimes. Afterwards, me and a bunch of people went over to Ryan's apartment, and just jammed out and chilled. Eventually it ended up being me, Ryan, Michael, Bronwyn, and Stewart. Ryan convinced all of the guys to let him buzz our hair...dunno if that was a good idea or not but I personally don't think it looks too bad, definitely a more mature look buuut yeah. We then got in the car (at about 1am) and headed on an adventure to...acquire..some pumpkins. After that, which was hilarious/fun, we all carved the pumpkins and just watched crappy horror movies till we fell asleep.
Sunday: Chill day. Went to Hollywood Cemetary with Ryan, Stewart, and Ellie, which was nice, especially on Halloween day. After that and lunch, we ended up down at The Warehouse, where we were there to see the Halloween Hardcore Cover Show, which was awesome.
Overall, it was a really fun weekend. Gotta love weekends full of doing fun, chill things with good friends, it's weekends like this that I really like being in Richmond. However, when I'm doing said fun things, it really sucks being seperated from one of the people that I care about the most. Not being able to share fun experiences with Kim is definitely a bummer...I mean we text each other about what we're doing and stuff but it's not nearly the same. I just feel more comfortable and happy when she's there overall, like things are right, y'know? Long distance can suck sometimes, especially when the other person isn't feeling happy...sigh. Hopefully I'll be able to see her soon, if not, it's another 3 weeks, which makes me sad, but it'll be okay; it's worth it of course.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Thank you to the people that keep me sane.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
I get crap all the time about considering myself belonging to the straight edge movement. I've gotten used to being made fun of for it and dealing with sometimes awkward situations due to it though, and I'm comfortable with the decision. Basically, straight edge is a youth movement that chooses to look for alternatives to drinking, drug use, and tobacco, and with a general connection to hardcore punk. The reasons for this are numerous in my opinion. Me and my friends have a ton of fun without doing any of that, honestly. Sounds cliched but it's true. More so than that however is I just don't really see the point. I look at my roommate who's constantly high, and he's almost failing out of college, blows all of his paychecks on drugs, and has lost friends and hurt relationships with his drug use...all of that for a short term "good time". Drinking I think is more understandable, but I also don't really understand why people, especially a lot college kids, "need" it to have a good time...I guess puking/hangovers/losing inhibitions/not remembering your weekends is fun. I don't have a problem with social drinking, but the whole notion of drinking purely to get wasted is beyond me I guess. I dunno. Honestly I don't think I've ever met someone that I've had more fun with when they're high/drunk/whatever than when they're sober.
Overall I just hate that as a college student there's sort of an expectation for me to go to parties and get wasted and hook up with drunk chicks and get high. I'm just not interested in it, honestly. I'm comfortable with who I am. I don't look down on anyone who does drink or smoke though, I know people don't believe me and my above words may seem contrary to that, but it's true. I have plenty of friends that are complete stoners and party kids and haha hey, it's cool, I respect their choices, just not my particular thing y'know? I'm a lot less serious about it than most people I think, and I can't stand when people degrade others for choosing to drink, do drugs, etc, or even worse, when they literally think they're better than others for not doing so. So dumb.
Monday, October 25, 2010

Thursday, October 21, 2010
College update.

So I'm finally on my first college break(ish) at VCU. Well they're technically called "reading days" where you're supposed to study, but everyone uses it as a break to either go back home or hang out. Overall, thinking back on the past month and a half or so that I've been in school, I've had a pretty good time. VCU's definitely a cool school. There's a ton of clubs/events going on all the time, like on any given day you can walk outside and see, for example, salsa dancing going on in the commons, or an impromptu hip hop dance party out in the Commons Plaza, all school affiliated. It really is hard to be bored here. I also just like being in Richmond, I mean if there's not something going on at VCU, me and my friends can just start walking in any given direction and be somewhere fun. We go to Rumors a lot, always down to The Warehouse to hang out or see shows, go down to the canal/Shockoe Bottom, play music outside in Monroe Park, down West Grace to chill at Strange Matter or go to 711, or go to Kirsten or Ryan's apartments, which are always fun. That and we've all been getting into biking, which is way fun. Classes have been fairly challenging, but not unmaneagable (also has to do with my fairly easy schedule time wise).
However, there's some things that I'm not really into here either. First off, there's a ton of distractions. Sometimes it's hard to seperate onesself down here from social time and hit the books, or at least it is for me. I need to work on that. Also, there's sort of a lack of unity here. Because there's so much going on, people are all over the place and out at different's hard to necessarily get to know the people on your floor, not to mention there are no dorm events organized, which is both a pro and a con. Independence; cool...lack of social events with floor mates; lame. Same thing goes with the huge classes, it's hard to make new friends. I'm lucky that I've got a big group of friends that I know from hardcore shows/through other friends/from high school. It just doesn't really feel like college sort of, I mean it does, but to me at least it's more like a big fun hang out session downtown with classes thrown into the mix, which is cool but I guess not traditional.
Overall, I kinda wish I was away at school, but at the same time I like being in Richmond. I'm putting in a transfer app for JMU, which definitely has the college feel I'm looking for, and is a better school in general not to mention a couple of other benefits. I guess we'll just have to see where the road takes me.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Stuff That Scares Me

Nuclear holocaust. Being mugged/jumped. Detached retinas. When you momentarily have a blind spot before a migraine. Turbulence on planes. If when you die you found that there's nothing, but you were conscious of time passing, so basically you're self aware in darkness forever. Losing family members. Paralysis. Being alone. Letting people down. Being left by people I care about. The deep ocean. The Bloop ( Legit exorcisms (if they're real, which I'm inclined to believe they are maybe). Being a failure. The feeling when you expect there to be another stair but there's not.
All I can think of at the moment. Yeah. Scary stuff.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Are You Straight Edge? N-n-nooo....
Friday: Basically just finished up classes and hung out with friends at Ryan's apartment/around downtown for most of the day and night, which was a lot of fun, even though some people in our group were retarded and got picked up by the cops for shoplifting at 711. Definitely worth being arrested for stealing hot chocolate....not. Haha. Later that night we all went to see Battlemaster, which is always a hilarious/fun experience. Ski Mask Mosh 2010. After that, I left them and went to Waffle House (a common experience over the weekend) to see Kim and Kathryn and that whole crew, which is always fun.
Saturday: Lunch with Elizabeth/Alex/Kim/Carlton/Mrs. Seward haha, that was cool. Then Maymont double date which was noice, got some ridiculous myspace quality pictures of myself and Kim...hahaha. Later that night we went to Blood Lake, which turned out to be cool, minus the lame forest walk at the end. Highlight of the evening: "I WANT YOU!" "I WANT YOU!" "Hey dude I'm gonna scare your girlfriend again.....I WANT YOUUUUUU!" *Cue Kim's screams*
Sunday: EDGE DAY. Haha this was awesome. Originally I didn't think Kim was gonna make it to the show, which I was kinda bummed about, but then she called me up and our plans were back on. We ate at The Village then headed down to the warehouse. It was a pretty good show, all the bands put on good sets, Foundation and Cast Aside in particular. I was more excited though to see Kim there haha, she seemed a little...nervous and perhaps felt sorta out of place haha but turns out she enjoyed it! Who woulda thought that. Overall a really good day.

Really good weekend. It was great seeing a bunch of different groups of friends, getting to spend time with Kim for the second weekend in a row, and just doing fun stuff.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
This past weekend was awesome. After a month (maybe a little more actually? I dunno) of not seeing Kim I finally was able to go pick her up and she visited Richmond for the weekend. It was just a really good weekend all around...we did a bunch of stuff, walked down to the Folk Festival, got creeped on by sketchy dudes who literally followed us for blocks, checked out some cool stores in shockoe bottom, went to Halloscream, got scared by bees in cars, rode roller coasters at night, Waffle House visits with my friends and Meghan, walked in Cary Town, and just got to talk a lot. It was weird, I had almost sort of forgotten what it was like to be with her and this weekend reminded me of how happy I feel when I am. Plus I get to see her some this weekend too! Taking her to a show....muahaha. But yeah. Lucky guy right hurr.
School's been good this week too. Got some decent grades on midterms, and hanging out with my friends down here is always fun. Last night me and some buddies went on a 15ish mile bike ride all around the city, it was great, I love bike riding especially down here. Except the almost getting hit by cars part when my friends ran red lights and I was following them. But anyways yeah, I think some of us are gonna try and join the cycling club, but that means I'm gonna have to start building a bike, which is gonna be costly...sigh.
Overall a really good weekend and everything's looking up. Good mood.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sometimes I wanna just grab a backpack, a few changes of clothes, a little money, and just walk as far as I can away from everything. Take a solid week and just see where I end up, walking/hitching/sightseeing during the day and camping out or squatting at night, maybe ride the rails a little too. I'm sure you'd see some crazy stuff, certainly different parts of America and aspects of society that few see. Perhaps a little dangerous at times too but hey, that's life.
And, as always, something I've always wanted to do is just spend a solid month or so in Europe. I'd go there with a friend/girlfriend and only carry a backpack and a little money, same as the other trip, and I guess a credit card for emergencies. Maybe arrive in like Spain or something, and just go wherever, not having a plan or set route. Probably need to get odd jobs here and there to make money for food and stuff, and rely on strangers often. I mean c'mon, how awesome would that be? You'd see so many unique things and get a much different and more genuine experience than most foreign travelers receive...I feel like in going about it that way you'd see the country and culture in it's "distilled" form so to speak. Someday.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Every once and awhile, it's nice to just have some alone time. And I don't mean necessarily cutting yourself off from everything/everyone, I think you can be alone even in a city setting, anonymity is just as isolating. I was feeling kinda stressed about school the other night and missing the missus, so I just got up and out of my dorm and started walking. It was awesome. It was lightly raining (at first at least), chilly, and like 12am so no one was out on the street. I just kinda walked aimlessly down Grace Street to Cary then started walking down towards the was nice, just walking in the rain and looking at the big city buildings and lights but with no one around and barely any cars on the road. Times like that I really love being in Richmond. It was peaceful, which can be welcome in the busy college environment.
On a more exciting/happy note, I get to see Kim this weekend!!! It's been a whole month, which hasn't been easy, but now I get to see her for two weekends in a row, which I'm really excited about. And then soon enough it'll be Thanksgiving break, then Winter break, and I'll see her again for even longer. Ah. Good mood, things are looking bright.
Sunday, October 3, 2010

I can talk to her for 5 hours about anything. I'm sitting out on my porch, not quite ready for sleep yet, and I dunno, I just find myself fortunate and amazed that someone cares about me and what I say like that, and that I'm just happy, maybe a touch melancholy because I haven't spent time with her in awhile, but still.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Left Behind
Edit: Tonight was awesome. Haha. Sorry for the negativity earlier, the two people that read this and were probably like boyfriend/friend is a freak. :)
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Over the Years

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Yo Sucka You Gotta Big Mouth!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Saturday, September 25, 2010
Richmond's Finest

Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Houses and Billboards
This song makes me happy. Kinda embodies how I feel tonight for some reason...just the kinda song you wanna hear when you're out sitting on your porch thinking y'know? Especially the slow part at the end. I love Saves the Day. But anyways, this weekend was good. I've been sick with pneumonia, and had a pretty rough week because of that, and wasn't really able to do much this weekend, kinda just sat around at home and played games, the only thing I did honestly was meet up with some hardcore buddies for dinner today at this awesome burritto place, which was cool. However, it was a certain someone that really helped this's just pretty awesome having someone who really cares, even from 2 hours away. She could be doing anything else but she's always taken the time to talk to me, and that's amazing to me, I consider myself lucky everyday, considering I'm not always the easiest person to get along with I don't think. Just a good mood :)
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Goldfish (the snack, the fish itself is sorta a bland kinda animal). Chinese food. Burrito Panfilo. Driving on the highway at night playing loud music by yourself. Droning guitar lines. The sound of feedback and tension before a band plays. Stagedives. Being toppled over by waves. Ludens cough drops. Asphalt mirages. Crunchy leaves. Crackling flame. Speaking one's opinion. Cigar smoke. Long phone conversations. Feeling cared about. Catching someone you care about looking at you when you're sleeping. Sleeping. Worn out shoes. Vinyl. Eating vegan but not being vegan. Looking up at the stars every once and awhile (i know, cliched). Good hugs. Sarcasm. A sense of history in a place.
Things I Don't Enjoy
Being ditched. Bad internet connections. Too much chocolate in chocolate milk (should be just a touch, no homo). Okra. Affliction brand clothing. Faux hawks. Pretenciousness. When you feel like you've still gotta pee a little but you can't make it happen. Too large pants. Loud chewing. Wet chewing...ugh. Grudges over inconsequential things. Losing touch. Sloppy drunks/people who can't have fun without being out of it. Tough guy posturing. Looking down at others legitimate beliefs. People wearing tank tops that shouldn't due to moobage. When you get things caught in your teeth. Brain freeze. Throat freeze, even worse. Missing a step you've prepared for on a staircase. Sinking feelings in your stomach. Worrying.
Things I Would Like to Do
Travel everywhere. Publish a book. Have an album pressed, even if it's self produced. Actually start playing shows. Stop worrying about stupid things. Transfer. Stop getting down on myself sometimes. STOP BEING SICK. Learn how to play piano. Become a better guitar player. Gain some muscle. Ride on a ride on lawnmower. Read more often. Reach out more often. Be more understanding about things/a better friend/less aggravating/less judgemental.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Sunday, September 5, 2010
By the Wayside
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Overall a mixed weekend emotion wise I guess. On one hand the show rocked, that was really fun, and going to Belle Isle with a bunch of people was fun too the other day, gotta say, not too many places that you get to see Wiccan/Satanic meeting sites, abandoned buildings, historical areas, and a river all in one. Other non happy stuff is covered above.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
At the same time though, it's been pretty tough. I miss her a lot...I know I'm only 2 hours away and it's only been a little over a week but still, it sucks, because she's both my girlfriend and my best female friend, so it's been rough. I just miss all the little things, going on adventures downtown...spinning around on the tire swings till we got sick...going to the art museum and making fun of the paintings and picking up weird metal stick things...doing my stupid accents with her...slinkies...eating whole donuts...laughing all the time at everything haha...this summer was awesome, and she had a lot to do with that. I hate the fact that I can't be there when she's unhappy, and just to be able to tell her whatever and experience things with her. Sigh. But. Hopefully I'll get to visit soon, and eventually maybe I'll end up at JMU, I've gotta step my academic game up for that though, which I'm working hard to do.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Wednesday: Woke up early (feeling like P.Diddy, well not really, I doubt P.Diddy is tired and all unkempt in the morning), hung out at Shafer and had some vegan eats with Stewart. Gotta say, SmartDogs are delicious. Aftewards we just chilled and hung around Monroe Park and walked around Richmond, until we met up with some of Stewart's dormmates who wanted to hit up the Deadbeat/Heathens show that night at The Warehouse. Me, Stewart, Mike, and about 7 other guys and girls walked down there, gotta say, Deadbeat was awesome, even with some idiots there. Aftewards, we walked back, and hung out with Ian for awhile, but had to leave to let him "watch some movies" with his gf hahaha, so we went out and met up with Tres and played with knives and whatnot, then I just came back and crashed.
Today: Woke up really early for my first class, Mass Comm. Huge class, 180 kids, but it was cool, I kinda like that for the mornings at least, honestly at 9:00 i'm not trying to be extremely active, I just wanna chill and absorb the material. Anyways, I ended up picking up Ricardo and Ben, and we (plus Stewart) walked through the ghetto (crackpipes on the ground, toilets on the sidewalk) to get to Vinyl Conflict, which is an awesome punk oriented records store. Well worth the...interesting...trip.We met up with some other friends after and chilled at Shafer Court and ate at some sweeeeet Mexican place, best burritos. After I met for a stats class, we hung out in The Underground (VCU chill spot in the commons), headed down to Cary Town, then ate at Shafer later. Finally I was able to drop some laundry at home which was nice haha (muchas gracias to my mom for doing it for me).
To summarize: College = fun. New friends = fun. Shows = fun. Classes = bearable. Missing girlfriend = :( Missing other friends = :(
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Day 2.
Monday, August 23, 2010
First Day in College
Still considering transferring, I'm gonna apply at least to JMU, but today was fun on the most part f'sho.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Saturday, August 21, 2010
The Times They Are A-Changin'
Monday, August 16, 2010
A day in the life.

Me and Ricardo armwrestling^
Haha nevermind, editing the original post. Not mad anymore, originally thought I was missing out on hanging out (at a fairly reasonable time) and seeing a friend before she goes off to college, which I am I guess, and I'm bummed about that, but I guess my mom not wanting me leaving at 3am is fairly understandable now haha.
Overall the past couple of days have been fun. Yesterday I hung out with Kim, Ricardo, Kosta, Dylan, and Tucker, which was really cool. We all went to Ricardo's restaurant and caused a ruckus and laughed at Tucker's creepy wallet picture, watched some Dexter in La Casa de Diablo (Ricardo's house is freakin' hot), had Brusters, and then just hung out at my house and danced/moshed, listened to tunes, had an arm wrestling contest, played trust, had my toe cut open, got some tats....all in all a good day with good friends. Today was more chill but still fun. Did nothing pretty much all day other than taking care of some college stuff, then tonight I hung out with Kosta, Ricardo, and Gray. We just hung out, watched movies, got some interesting texts, and talked about girls, food, fatness, fighting, the future...a good bro-out day.
Good times. I'm gonna turn 19 in a couple days which I guess is cool, but overshadowed by me feeling kinda bummed about everyone moving off to school and the general hustle and bustle and melancholy of the end of the summer. I'm excited but at the same time I'm going to miss people and the way things are. It'll all work out I suppose.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
A day.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Burn my bridges.
You know what annoys me? People with an unjust sense of entitlement. I don't care who it is, or what station in life they occupy. You come into this world the same as everyone else, kicking and screaming and with no dignity. Funny how people forget that as soon as they accomplish something or rise to a position that society has deemed to be powerful or respectable. This can be an issue with police officers, thinking a uniform makes them better than those they serve, lawmakers, politicians, teachers, whoever. Entitlement can cause problems even on smaller levels though. People take things for granted, like friendship for instance, and feel that they're entitled to being treated nicely, even as they walk over you, because of a history the two of you share. Funny stuff. Had a person who I used to call a friend run into me tonight, and he later messed with my car, which isn't really a big deal, but then made fun of my friends and who I was with, and somehow felt angry when I told him off. Apparently he felt entitled to a kind response even though he didn't dignify me with even a civil one. Really frustrating stuff, left me wanting to hit something.
Sorry. Deep breaths. I don't usually get mad.
Otherwise, it was a pretty good day; got college shopping finally all done, hung out with a few good friends, watched a good movie, cruised around, went to Waffle stuff.
Saturday, August 7, 2010

Why this picture you may ask? Because 1) this is a happy looking, content kid. Both of em actually. And besides a couple things I've been a happy, content kid this week. 2) the name of the website where it apparently originates makes me laugh. Also the kid looks like he has twine around his arms. Twined sausages.
Busy week so far.
Monday: Band practice with Will and Grayson, then sleep over/almost wing challenge/stand up comedy with Will and Gray. Good times, chill day.
Tuesday: BEACH STYLE BAYBAY. Richmond hardcore reppin' it at VA beach. Sand mosh. Traffic two steps. Awesome POA/Tiger's Jaw show that night too. One of the best days this summer for me.
Wednesday: Slept in really late, lunch with mi madre, helped set up and threw down at the Pushing On/CCP/Deadbeat show that night. Small, rough group of people there but still fun. Hang out at the Village Cafe with Ian and Grayson afterwards.
Thursday: Busch Gardens with Kim and Ricardo, awesome. Rode all of the good stuff cept Apollo's Chariot (thanks rain and lightning). Bottom's Up afterwards mmmmm, then hanging out at Ricardo's.
Friday: Really relaxed day, which was nice. Just hung around at home, wrote some tunes and talked with Grayson later on for a little bit, but mainly just chillin'. Kinda needed a day to rest, it was good.
Saturday (today): Got to hang out with Kim, which is always good, we've both been kinda busy this week and haven't seen each other all that much. We just goofed around, gorged ourselves on mexican food and ice cream, almost saw Inception again hahaha, and watched some movies. Really good day as always with her...I always say this but I'm seriously fortunate to have someone like her, not to sound sappy, but yeah, just saying.
This sums up today:
Eric: He's searching for her pot of gold right now...
Kim: Eww Eric you're disgusting!
Eric: What!? What'd I do?
Kim: What you just said!
Eric: Huh?...So? I didn't say anything!
Fits of laughter.
Really awesome week, seriously.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Picture completely unrelated, anyways...
Downer: Sometimes I suck (that's what she said) at conveying my feelings. I either hold things I feel inside, which I'm getting a lil better at not doing i think, and end up in a bad/frustrated mood because of it, or just mess up trying to explain what I mean. Kinda aggravates me, but hopefully the general intention of what I'm trying to say comes across as planned. Wish I was more eloquent or something...eloquent's not the right word but it's closest to what I mean. Maybe "expressive" is better. Dunno...oh well.
Upper: That's pretty random though, considering I've been really happy all summer more or less. Couple things have bummed me out I guess at one point or another, but that's regular for anyone. The past few weeks in general have been great; honestly this whole summer has been awesome.

Everything's pretty much fallen into place. I'm happy with myself a fair amount of the time, I've been seeing my friends a bunch, made new friends, gone to a bunch of awesome shows, and all of this while being lucky enough to have someone who I can pretty much tell anything, and who honestly seems to care about me and what I have to say, even when I'm being lame or annoying. It's funny; I've known this person for two years, and had basically constant contact with them, but I'm still just as excited and interested everytime I talk to her or we hang out as when we first met...not many people I know who I can hang out with all day then talk on the phone to for hours on end at night and still have plenty to talk about. We've done a ton of awesome things together, and even though we're going to different colleges, we're gonna stay together and try to make it work.
Life is good.
Also, Pho Tay Do. Check it out. Any young whippersnappers looking to take their date to a classy restaurant with 5 Star staff, amazing "fried shrimp/wonton" (read: fingernail/noodle - brain) soup, and clean air with NO SMOKING...NO SMOKING...NO SMOKING (this time, in crayon!) need to look no further than Po Tay Toe. Highly recommended.
Also, last word :)
Today ->
Later, Kim came over and we ended up checking out the Museum of Fine Arts down on Boulevard. It was way cool, saw some weird stuff, made fun of paintings/people, found a fine metal rod in the parking lot...huhuhuh. All in all a really good time o' course. Next we headed down to Galaxy, had some deep conversation, laughed at little kids running into doors, got scared by flushing toilets, all that jazz. Typical Galaxy stuff.
After eating we checked out all the swanky houses around there, especially the Ferris Bueller one, that was shweeet. On our way back to the West End we stopped in to see a kinda creepy abandoned shack near Kim's house, which was alternative but cool. Then we went to Deep Run Park and goofed off on the playground there and the "AbstractPlayground", where I managed to make Kim sick from spinning her on the tire swing. Great boyfriend. After that we had a slightly awkward trip to Brusters, headed to Blockbuster, got a chick flick (which was actually good, yeah I said it) and relaxed and talked the rest of the night (in about 15 different accents).
Really good day.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
"Dare me to eat the whole thing in one bite?"
Saturday, July 24, 2010