Today was good. My classes were interesting, English especially this morning was good...I kinda like having that class, it's really laid back and it's nice having a small class where I get to interact with others, hard to do that in a class with 425 other people y'know? Then I had international relations, which is always fun, the professor's hilarious, and the content is legitimately interesting. Then I got to see Kim open my package :D which was funny haha...it's been 3 weeks since I've seen her and looking like it's gonna be another 2 before I finally get to, which sucks. But we've always been very talkative which helps, I just miss her a lot though. After that and a boring stats class, I met up with a bunch of friends at Shafer, and we all rolled out to Strange Matter soon after, a bar/venue on West Grace, chill place. We met up with like 15 other people in the parking lot there and just hung out for awhile. Eventually...aka at 12:45am POA finally played haha, it was worth the wait though. I got to tell dumb jokes with Stewart on stage too which is always a plus.
"So there's two whales in the sea. One whale says 'hurrurururur', what does the other say? 'Hurruururururur'" Haha awful.
Anyways it was a really good set. They covered "Big Mouth" as always, which was great, even though I got tagged in the face with the microphone courtesy of Reid. Potential bruise. Eh. Worth it, we all went nuts during it haha, scared a few people back a few feet ;)
Overall a really fun day.
smh. you're gonna kill me.