I often hear people my age saying they wish they could be a child again. On one hand, I can appreciate this. Being a kid was awesome, the only things you had to worry about was doing well in kickball on the playground or if your mom remembered to cut off the crusts on your sandwhich...none of the realities of life have kicked in at that point, at least for me when I was a kid, I know it's different for children who's parents split when they were children and stuff like that.
At the same time though, I don't think I'd change my current age or go back for anything. Sure, when you were a kid you were totally innocent of the ways of the world and life was easy, but now there's a whole world open to you! Sure, it can hurt you or be scary, but all the opportunities that are available and the great things happening outweigh that for me. I'm happy to be growing up and at an age where I can think for myself, be mainly independent, have real, thoughtful conversations with people, drive/go wherever I want, have and maintain an amazing and growing relationship, and everything else that comes with aging.
Even down the road, after college, I can't see myself wanting to go back to my younger years. Yeah, you have a lot more responsibilites, and I suppose at times I might miss the "good ole days" but at the same time there's so much to look forward to: travel, (potentially, if I'm in a field I enjoy) working, living on my own, marriage, buying a house, starting a family...tons of good stuff.
I love looking back on the past and thinking of both the good and bad things that have happened in the past nineteen years, but I try to not get too caught up in what's over with and focus on what's good in my life now, which is a lot :D
true statement.