Sunday, February 6, 2011

Dar de Gracias

Thank you for telling me how you honestly feel about things. Thank you for staying true to yourself and what you want. Thank you for trying to understand where I come from on things that you don't always agree with. Thank you for respecting my opinions, even when they're illogical. Thank you for dealing with me and still talking to me even when I get over emotional and frustrated about things, especially when I don't always know how to explain how I feel about things. Thank you for still staying with me even when I get jealous sometimes and have unfounded worries. Thank you for putting up with the hardship of long distance for me. Thank you for helping me work on becoming more close to my religion. Thank you for all the hours of talking for the past two years. Thank you for putting laugh lines on my face, even on the most bleak days. Thank you for working with me as a pair to get through hard times. Thank you for all the memories.

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