Sunday, September 26, 2010


Weird mood. Feeling self depreciating, dunno why. Sometimes I feel I can't do things right. I know I have to work but can't feel motivated enough to do so. I think I picked the wrong major. Insignificant nonsense bothers me, which is lame. I overanalyze. People don't seem to care. Tired of being sick/shitty immune system, even though I am feeling better, which is good. Blah. Maybe i'm just overtired haha, I suppose 7 or so hours of sleep over three days can do that to you. Anyways, just gotta think positive, grit my teeth and deal with it. Cry myself a river, build myself a bridge, and get over it by myself. Well. Minus the crying. That's kinda extreme. And building a bridge would require math, and i'm not a math fan. Speaking of math, I need to go study. Peace.
Also sorry for this emo-esque post. I'm not feeling exactly unhappy, just...down. I dunno.

1 comment:

  1. :( if i laugh with no voice will it make you feel better?
