Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Burn my bridges.

You know what annoys me? People with an unjust sense of entitlement. I don't care who it is, or what station in life they occupy. You come into this world the same as everyone else, kicking and screaming and with no dignity. Funny how people forget that as soon as they accomplish something or rise to a position that society has deemed to be powerful or respectable. This can be an issue with police officers, thinking a uniform makes them better than those they serve, lawmakers, politicians, teachers, whoever. Entitlement can cause problems even on smaller levels though. People take things for granted, like friendship for instance, and feel that they're entitled to being treated nicely, even as they walk over you, because of a history the two of you share. Funny stuff. Had a person who I used to call a friend run into me tonight, and he later messed with my car, which isn't really a big deal, but then made fun of my friends and who I was with, and somehow felt angry when I told him off. Apparently he felt entitled to a kind response even though he didn't dignify me with even a civil one. Really frustrating stuff, left me wanting to hit something.

Sorry. Deep breaths. I don't usually get mad.

Otherwise, it was a pretty good day; got college shopping finally all done, hung out with a few good friends, watched a good movie, cruised around, went to Waffle House...fun stuff.

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