Thursday, December 2, 2010

Looking Forward

I talked on the phone with Kim for a couple hours today about just life in general. Besides being a really good conversation, it had me thinking about what I want to accomplish and where I want to be in the future, and my goals in general. Right now I'm pretty pleased with how life is going for me. I'm doing solid in school (though I need to work on motivation), I have wonderful friends and an amazing girlfriend, am fortunate enough to be receiving a college education courtesy of my parents, and I'm generally just happy.

Howabout the future though? I know that I'm only 19 years old, but doesn't hurt to think ahead you know? That's what me and Kim were talking about primarily. Some goals.

-Finish college first off, then potentially grad school? Dunno where.
-TRAVEL!!! And before I work. I'll have the rest of my life to work and live in the United States. There's no way I want to die an old man without getting out and seeing the world...I definitely want to travel for at least a few months before I start completely focusing on a career.
-Marriage. Pretty self explanatory. Besides being obviously the woman that you love, I feel like your wife is your best friend when you get married (well, if you married the right person haha I suppose), I mean you know everything and do everything with that person, and it'd be awesome to have someone like that and get to travel the world and stuff with them.
-Kids. I never understand people who are against having children. I's like a whole independent little person that you help create, and you get to watch them grow and be an influence on them, pretty amazing.
-Career. I honestly have no idea where I want to end up with this. I love writing...I love music...I love global cultures/history...I love to read...just a lot to think about in terms of what I want to do for the rest of my life. I just want to be sure to have a job that is flexible and fun, and with which I can support my wife and children so they can be happy and be able to do whatever and not have to worry.
-Music. I'd like to create music up until the day I die. Good stuff right there.
-Religion. I have kind of unorthodox views on some things, but I of course still consider myself a Christian. I'd like to explore the religion a little more and become a stronger Christian, but while retaining my own views on things. I dunno. It's complicated.

If I can manage all that, and probably other stuff I forgot, I'll have lived a fulfilling life. It's a bit overwhelming when you consider that some of the decisions you make now, while in college, can really affect the course of your entire life. Hopefully I don't screw too much of it up! Haha.

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